Minimum Hardware Requirements

From Secure Web Gateway

System Requisites

Use SafeSquid Appliance Builder (SAB) to setup your secure web gateway. SAB is an Ubuntu Linux operating system ISO, customized to provide automatic setup of all the necessary files and services. SAB enables you to transform a standard Intel® hardware architecture for servers, into a hardware web security appliance, or a setup a virtual appliance on any virtualization infrastructure like VmWare® or Microsoft Hyper-V®.

Use the SafeSquid installation packages (tar.gz) if you wish to setup secure web gateway on other Linux distributions like RedHat®, SuSe®, CentOS®, etc.

Hardware Requirements

Minimal Hardware

  • RAM: 4 GB
  • CPU: 4 Core
  • HDD: 160 GB (Depending upon the number of logs and database you want to keep)


Recommended Hardware

SafeSquid is SMP-aware so if you need to serve a large number of users, you should use hardware with multiple CPU cores, and ability to use more RAM efficiently.
While the above specified Minimal Hardware should enable you to do a functional setup of SafeSquid, actual hardware requirements would vary depending upon the number of users, concurrent connections, and features you intend to enable. As a thumb rule - add 2 CPU cores and 4GB RAM per 100 concurrent connections.

Suggested Hardware Sizing
CPU (cores) RAM (GB) HDD Max Concurrent Connections Approx Users
4 8 500GB 100 25
4 16 1TB 500 150
8 16 2TB 1000 350
8 32 4TB 1500 600
16 32 4TB 2000 1000
16 64 8TB 2500 1500

If you intend to use SafeSquid's HTTPS Inspection feature, using processors with "AES-NI", is recommended.

How to find out AES-NI (Advanced Encryption) Enabled on Linux System