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Enterprise Secure Web Gateway

Modern workforce depends on Internet enabled enterprise networks, for business intelligence, and productivity.

“Internet exposed” enterprise networks and information systems are vulnerable to a variety of information security risks that can result in productivity, collateral, and prestige losses.

Using a Secure Web Gateway to distribute Internet access across your network users, enables your enterprise to mitigate such risks, and reap the benefits of Internet-enablement.

Challenge #1 External Threats

Malware, Phishing attacks, Privacy Breaches

All Internet users are vulnerable to malware, privacy breaches, phishing, etc.

Not all users have adequate cyber-security knowledge, and ability to deal with newest malware, or phishing threats.

Many are unable to understand even the alerts raised by their systems, Internet applications, and browsers.
Most fail to respond appropriately.

End-point level mitigation of zero-day attacks can be extremely difficult and expensive.

Challenge #2 Abuse


Thirty percent of all data transferred across the Internet is pornography.

A 2010 Nielsen survey found that 29% of U.S. employees have looked at porn at least once at work, their sessions averaging 13 minutes at a time.

Watching pornography on a work place, not only causes immense prestige losses to the establishment, but also makes it vulnerable to a variety of cyber-security threats.

Pornography websites are commonly known delivery vehicles for malware threats, including ransomware that may result in identity, productivity, and collateral losses like loss of confidential data.

Challenge #3 Social Media

Cyber-Slacking, Privacy Breaches

Social media is turning into a bigger contributor in productivity losses.

Almost all enterprises now witness about 20% drop in productivity post lunch hours.

Recovering the efficiency takes anywhere between 45 to 90 minutes.

Many social media applications consume heavy Internet bandwidth, and can severely saturate Internet resources, thus hampering the productivity of other sincere users.

Most social media applications result in severe bandwidth saturation, thus hampering the productivity of other sincere users.

Personalized advertising by tracking user’s Internet activities is the essence of all social media business.

Most users remain unaware of this privacy breach.

Challenge #4 Application Security


Almost 80% of Internet users lack the awareness for “cyber-discipline”, and “cyber-hygiene”.

Using the same Internet Browser for accessing Banking applications, sensitive emails, and general web surfing, is quite common.

Unaware of sanitization and sterilization techniques, they are easily susceptible to cyber-security breaches.

Challenge #3 Misuse

Policy Evasion

Over 10% of work-place internet users have used applications for web-filtering evasion involve.

Over 80% of these users remain unaware of the dangers posed by such applications.

The scope of threat posed by many of these applications is broad enough to endanger the entire enterprise network.

These users will continue to use such applications, unless web gateways have the ability to detect and report such applications.

Challenge #4 Cyber-Liabilities

Monitoring, Data Leakage

Abuse of unmonitored networks is very common, resulting in frequent outages due to resource and bandwidth saturation.

Cyber-criminals also prey on such networks, because in most countries the liability rests with the network owner.

Without adequate monitoring and regulation, an enterprise will find it difficult to prevent leakage of confidential data, or identify the perpetrator.

Unmonitored web access thus increases internal distrust among the enterprise co-workers.

Challenge #5 Logical Policies

Meeting Business Objectives

The Internet Use Policies applied on the enterprise web-gateway are a reflection of its unique culture, and business goals.

All restrictions cannot be static, and applied to all users, all the time.

An enterprise’s Internet risk and security management generally fails, or creates discontent, when the security management system fails to meet its operational culture, growth, and business goals. The security system designed as mechanism for policing fails, but succeeds - if appropriately tailored for governance and productivity.