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Access The SafeSquid User Interface

From Secure Web Gateway


SafeSquid Proxy Service has a browser based intrinsic WebGUI, that allows users to configure, and manage its various features. To access the Interface, you must configure your web-browser to use the SafeSquid® proxy server. You should be able to access the WebGUI with the URL - [1]


To access SafeSquid User Interface, you must configure your web-browser to use the SafeSquid proxy server. We recommend you to configure SafeSquid Proxy into Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox Browser.

For more details - How to set the proxy in the browser

Note : You can configure SafeSquid to permit access of the User Interface by only security administrators.

Configure proxy setting in browser

Proxy settings.png

Access the Interface at : http://safesquid.cfg/



Main page or starting page of interface displays the dashboard of SafeSquid.
When you access the SafeSquid interface for the first time, it will prompt you with upload your activation.


Reports page.png



    If you get the SafeSquid template showing Access Denied then follow the instructions -  Avoid Locking Yourself When You Are Configuring Policies In Access Restrictions