Standard Installation on physical machine

From Secure Web Gateway

Language Selection

English is the default selected language. Change it only, if you are not very comfortable with English.

Language Selection.png

Country Selection 

Select your country as the location.This selection is related to ensure correct time settings of the system.

Country selection.png

Keyboard layout Selection 

Select the keyboard layout that matches the origin of the keyboard attached to the system.

Keyboard selection.png

Network interface selection

All network interfaces detected in your system are displayed. Select the interface that has Internet connectivity as the primary.


Assign IP address to the primary interface


Setting up the Netmask


Gateway Setting

Set the IP address of your network gateway, usually your router.






Specify DNS

Specify the IP of your preferred DNS. If you have an Active Directory Service, set this to the IP address of the Directory Server (AD). This DNS is used only during the installation. The SAB sets up a caching name server that uses the Root DNS for serving your users.


Dns setup.png

Note:If you want to Integrate a Linux Host with a Windows AD for Kerberos SSO authentication in future you must have to specify Name Server Addresses as your Active Directory Server.

If you miss to specifyName Server Addresses as your Active Directory Server , you have another option to change the Name Server Addresses as your Active Directory Server.

  • When you will be entering successfully into the SafeSquid SWG which is last step of Standard Installation edit the file path using below command on console

 vim /etc/network/interfaces

This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
        # dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed
        dns-search safesquid.test


  • Edit yourdns-nameservers  as your IP address of Active Directory Server and restart networking service using below command.

/etc/init.d/networking restart

Setup DNSSlide1.PNG


Hostname of Your Server

Integration with your Active Directory Service, requires proper assignment of the Fully Qualified Domain Name.
It is therefore strongly recommend to carefully select the the desired hostname for your secure web gateway. The default host name is SWG.


Domain name Setting 

The domain name setting is also very important, if you plan to integrate it with your active directory.

Domain name.png


NTP server Configuration

By default, ntp server has been set to . If you have your own ntp server, then you may set to that address for clock synchronization between computer systems to some time reference.


Note : If you want to Integrate a Linux Host with a Windows AD for Kerberos SSO authentication in future it is advisable to specify Time Synchronisation Server as your IP address of Active Directory server space (There should be a single space in between AD IP address and )

Dns and time synchSlide1 (2).PNG

Choose a mirror of the Ubuntu archive

Select the country for ubuntu archive to download required packages

Choose a mirror of the ubuntu archive.png




HTTP proxy Setup

This field should be blank

Http proxy.png

Loading Additional components 

It will load additional components automatically.

Load additional components.png

Configure the Clock 

Using Yes or No you can configure the clock.You need to scroll down and search your continent and time zone nearby location.


Partition disks

Standard installation on physical machineSlide1 (1).PNG
Standard installation on physical machineSlide1 (3).PNG

Installation of base system 

It will automatically install the base system. It takes little bit of time to install completely.

Installation of base system .png

Configuring the apt 

It will configure apt packages one after the other in this process.

Configuring the apt.png

Select and install software

 Here it install the OS.

Select and install software.png

Finishing installation

Finishing the installation is the last step in installation.

Finishing installation.png

At last, the system reboots and goes through system initialization. Afterward, a welcome screen appears with SafeSquid(Secure Web Gateway) screen.

SafeSquid(Secure Web Gateway) screen..png

Login to the Server

If you observe the screen by default it will give you username along with the password.You need to enter the same username and password for first login.

  • User name: administrator
  • Password : safesquid
    Name and password.png

You need to reset the password on the first login.


You will be entering successfully into the SafeSquid SWG.




If you are doing standard installation on Physical machine'usingUSB bootable pendive Link'

Also after installation has been completed with USB bootable pendive and initial login with administrator ( sudo -i )

Run grub command to install grub MBR on first disk /dev/sda


grub-install /dev/sda
(Remove the USB bootable pendive)

As soon as you remove the USB bootable pendrive it should display prompt for login.

(Above commands only required to run if it is displaying the blank screen after removing USB bootable pendrive)