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How to block advertisements

From Secure Web Gateway

Client Scenario

  • Ads are annoying and intrusive (64%)
  • Ads are disruptive (54%)
  • Ads create security concerns (39%)
  • Ads affect load time and bandwidth usage (36%)

Security was the main reason for blocking of Ads. Blocking of Ads include quicker loading and cleaner looking web pages with fewer distractions, lower resource waste (bandwidth, CPU, memory, etc.).


SafeSquid Secured web gateway(SWG) blocks all types of annoying ads and banners. So that you can save much bandwidth and access the web pages without any distractions.


HTTPS Inspection should be enabled in SafeSquid. If not enabled, you can check our document - How to enable HTTPS Inspection

Access the SafeSquid User Interface

Go to configure page.png
BlockadsSlide1 (2).png

Search policy : "BLOCK ADVERTISEMENT" to Search

BlockadsSlide1 (3).png

Edit policies and profiles to Enable as TRUE

Ads (4).png
Ads (5).png
Ads (6).png

Edit templates to Enable as TRUE

Ads (7).png
Ads (8).png
Ads (9).png

Access youtube to verify

Try to access you should get SafeSquid template instead of advertisements.


Note : You can replace the default template with your custom template.