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SSL certification errors

From Secure Web Gateway

Issues with their Root Cause

  1. When SSL certificate imported into chrome browser and still shows Your connection is not secured for HTTPS sites.
    ->Policies in HTTPS Inspection subsection may not be configured correctly.
  2. While successful configuration of HTTPS Inspection, accessing shows error but all other HTTPS sites works fine.
    ->In HTTPS inspection section, if Global subsection is not set to Enabled as TRUE then this problem may arise.
  3. While SafeSquid certificate is installed inside browser however HTTPS sites showing error Secured connection fail.
    ->Either passphrases were not matched or Password encryption failed due to inappropriate input given.
  4. SSL certificate downloaded with size 0 bytes.
    >When certificate is downloaded without encryption of password then certificate will be downloaded with 0 bytes.
  5. Displaying ERROR "SSL Connection to denied S_X509_DNS_MISMATCH: SSL Certificate has DNS errors."
    ->Remove HTTPS websites from SSL Certs/Cache if you get error Secured connection fail when you access HTTPS websites or some of theHTTPS websites are working without error but some of the HTTPS websites are not working.


 Case 1 : Check whether SSL certificate was properly imported inside browser or not.

Follow the Import your SSL certificate into Internet Explorer or Chrome browser

Follow the Import your SSL certificate into Firefox browser

 Case 2 : Check SSL Certs/Cache if you face issue mentioned below

SafeSquid certificate imported inside browser but still showing error Secured connection fail when you try to access HTTPS websites

Some HTTPS websites are working without error, but others are not working.

When you remove old activation key and install new activation key and then configure new SSL certificate.

Native Logs

2018 03 17 10:15:38.084 [119] network: IP: fd:20 normal client disconnected after making 1 requests
2018 03 17 10:15:38.084 [119] warn: advice: [IP:] process: transfer failed
2018 03 17 10:15:38.084 [119] error: ssl: ClientEncrypt: failed encryption :anonymous@ for
2018 03 17 10:15:38.083 [119] error: ssl: EncryptC:987 ssl_ctx:NULL
2018 03 17 10:15:38.083 [119] error: ssl: failed : reading key from /var/db/safesquid/ssl/certs/

If you face above issues you have to remove all the HTTPS websites which you access from path /var/db/safesquid/ssl

Run the below command and check for the file


root@sabproxy:/var/db/safesquid/ssl# ll
total 24
drwxrwxr--  6 ssquid root 4096 Jul 28 17:06 ./
drwxrwxr--  7 ssquid root 4096 Jul 28 17:06 ../
drwxrwxr--  2 ssquid root 4096 Aug 10 13:34 badcerts/
drwxrwxr-- 29 ssquid root 4096 Sep  2 16:27 certs/
drwxrwxr--  2 ssquid root 4096 Jul 28 17:06 goodcerts/
drwxrwxr--  2 ssquid root 4096 Jul 28 17:06 serials/

root@sabproxy:/var/db/safesquid/ssl# cd certs/

root@sabproxy:/var/db/safesquid/ssl/certs#rm -rf *

Repeat above step for  goodcerts/  and  badcerts/  and access those websites from browser. 

Case 3 : Displaying ERROR "SSL Connection to denied S_X509_DNS_MISMATCH: SSL Certificate has DNS errors."

When you access any website and face error "S_X509_DNS_MISMATCH: SSL Certificate has DNS errors" via proxy even you properly configured SSL certificate inside browser,
that means certificate of that website is broken.
SafeSquid stores all those websites whose certificates are broken under this path /var/db/safesquid/ssl/badcerts/

  1. You should find the domain of website at given path : /var/db/safesquid/ssl/badcerts/
  2. Go to that domain name folder by command : cd domain-name 
  3. You should find FQDN of that website.(e.g.
  4. Go to that FQDN by command :vi FQDN (e.g. vi
  5. Here you should find mismatch domain name

root@dev:~# cd /var/db/safesquid/ssl/
root@dev:/var/db/safesquid/ssl# ll
total 52
drwxrwxr--     2 ssquid  root  4096 Jul  4  2017    serials
drwxrwxr--     2 ssquid  root  4096 Mar  9 16:30  goodcerts
drwxrwxr-- 71 ssquid root  4096 Mar  9 16:45 badcerts
drwxrwxr-- 1022 ssquid root 36864 Mar 12 12:16 certs

root@dev:/var/db/safesquid/ssl# cd badcerts/
root@dev:/var/db/safesquid/ssl/badcerts# ll
total 276

drwxrwxr--    2 ssquid root 4096     Mar  8 12:07
drwxrwxr--    2 ssquid root 4096     Mar  8 12:32
drwxrwxr--    2 ssquid root 4096     Mar  8 15:36
drwxrwxr--    2 ssquid root 4096     Mar  8 16:04
drwxrwxr--    2 ssquid root 4096     Mar  8 19:08
drwxrwxr--    2 ssquid root 4096     Mar  9 15:25
drwxrwxr-- 2 ssquid root 4096     Mar  9 16:27

root@dev:/var/db/safesquid/ssl/badcerts# cd
root@dev:/var/db/safesquid/ssl/badcerts/ ll
total 8
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ssquid root 5904  Mar  9 15:43

root@dev:/var/db/safesquid/ssl/badcerts/ vi

S_X509_DNS_MISMATCH: SSL Certificate has DNS errors.
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C=US, ST=TX, L=Houston, O=cPanel, Inc., CN=cPanel, Inc. Certification Authority
            Not Before: Jul 23 00:00:00 2017 GMT
            Not After : Jul 23 23:59:59 2018 GMT
        Subject: OU=Domain Control Validated, OU=PositiveSSL,
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                Public-Key: (2048 bit)

To ALLOW Block domain mismatch errors of HTTPS web-sites you have to create a policy

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